Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Five strategies that I must use in teaching Social Sciences!

1. Discussion/Lecture
2. Know, Want to Know, Learned
3. Socratic Seminars
4. Document Based Questions
5. Think-Pair- Share

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Developing a Culturally responsive class setting!

Summary of Curricular Context

Educators from the social studies department at Jones Academy (false turn around school) within the Chicago Public School district are newly required to alter learning experiences that create a classroom culture responsive to diversity. There are students from various backgrounds, especially minorities, and the educators have not been properly trained and supported in implementing lessons that address the significance of various cultures and life backgrounds. Each teacher has proficient skill and experience in developing academically challenging lesson plans and each teacher is also aware of some culturally responsive techniques for teaching; therefore, we will make valuable connections to their prior experiences and knowledge or creating student centered lessons with new skills of placing emphasis on diversity.

Standard / Objectives for Unit or Lesson: (NCSS Thematic Standards A)

Social studies teachers should possess the knowledge, capabilities, and dispositions to organize and provide instruction at the appropriate school level for the study of culture and cultural diversity.
Teacher Expectations
Teachers of social studies at all school levels should provide developmentally appropriate experiences as they guide learners in the study of culture and cultural diversity.

Lesson Goal:

         The main goal of this learning experience will be to apply your prior knowledge and experience behind teaching to discussing the importance of a culturally responsive classroom while learning and creating effective strategies to foster this type of classroom culture.

Stage 1
Enduring Understandings What are the overarching enduring understandings for the unit/lesson?

  1.  Educators are required to implement culturally responsive learning experiences into their classroom culture, but they have not been given any support or feedback on strategies to use or areas to improve from students, fellow teachers, administrators, or the community.
  2. Educators are required to implement culturally responsive learning experiences into their classroom culture however they have not received any training to do so effectively.
  3. Educators must see a need in preparing students to face social challenges of respect for various cultures, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic statuses, and genders even if they aren’t completely able to embrace variations.
  4. Educators must also use diversity to promote the ideals of the American democratic society such as equal rights or the right to voice an opinion.

Essential Questions What are the essential questions you can ask to guide inquiry?
  1. Why is it important as a Social studies teacher to include culturally diverse strategies and activities into your lesson planning?
  2. How can we as Social studies educators properly implement a balance in the study of diverse cultures and background with respect and embrace for differences in the classroom?
3.      What resources and research is there available to use in creating culturally responsive classrooms?
  1. Who is ultimately affected by learning in class setting that is conducive to learning Social studies with diversity one of the main focuses?

Knowledge & Skills

  • The implications of culture and diversity in the classroom.
  • Further knowledge in content area
  • Knowledge of current events/finding in regards to diversity and education.
  • Better understanding of correlations between students cultures and learning styles
  • Gain students perspective on educational practices.

  • Efficient lesson development
  • Collecting qualitative and quantitative research
  • Collaborating strategy and
  • Being able to develop lesson plans and activities that create cultural relevance’s.
  • Systematic dialogue that promotes democratic ideals.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Educational Philosophy

“Through the various realms of Social Studies, it is my goal to attempt to educate, explore, motivate, and nurture each student that I encounter in becoming effective and contributing citizens. I will promote the democratic ideals of the West, and the United States while also exposing my students to the importance of a diverse and liberal education. Education is essential to the development of a countries citizen, therefore, making my role as an educator extremely germane. Students in my classes will be exposed to research based activity, discovery activities, collaborative/team work, and extensive reading, writing, and analytical thinking. Each of these aspects along with other components such as cross curriculum teaching will be useful in helping each of my students reach success. My role in the classroom will be to lead by example, encourage and generate an interest in the topics explored, as well as guide my students through even amounts of lecture, independent research, group work, and field activity. As the teacher, I want to cater to each one of my students learning styles and create a comfortable and uplifting learning environment. As a reflection of my role as a teacher, there are several teaching strategies I will test and put into practice with my students. Question and answer sessions, PowerPoint lectures, Library/research days, concept scaffolding, daily journal writing, debates, and role play are just a few of the strategies I hope to implement in connection to higher learning. Ultimately and consistently, I want to utilize each part of my philosophy, have faith in its parts, alter it when necessary, and see that I am able to help each student expound upon their knowledge and talents; thus creating effective and contributing citizens.”

My first Blog!

This is my first blog and I am extremely excited about using it to elevate the lives of youth in the city of Chicago!
God Bless!